
The Same But Different

If I had an elegant way to begin something, life would be simpler. I am way too used to thundering and crashing into things and that’s served me pretty well thus far. Listen close. This is the thunder.

A lot about my life has changed since the last time I gave any serious thought to writing poetry. I was in my early twenties, married, living in New York, and thoroughly convinced I was a man…albeit a man with some issues.

I am now in my early thirties, divorced, living back in my hometown of Atlanta, and a woman. I thought poetry was going to be something I did once. I thought I had put it on the same shelf as trips to Europe or the summer I spent listening exclusively to the Insane Clown Posse: fun to talk about but over with. Writing and performing poetry didn’t seem like something I could do anymore.

But I’ve been writing again. And performing again. And enough people have come up to me afterwards asking about my “socials” or a place to read my work that I kinda just want to have an answer for them.

That’s what this is. Life since I’ve transitioned has been an endless parade of questions.

The next time someone asks “where can I read your stuff?”

It’ll be nice to have an answer.

As for this blog and what I hope to do with it beyond share my work, I truly don’t know. A journal? A review corner? Nothing? Who knows?

That’s the question.

Let’s figure out the answer together.

Yours with an open mouth,


